About us

Tollway Group is a group of companies, which activities are aimed at development of road infrastructure and improvement of the efficiency of the road industry in the cities and regions of Russia. The strategic objective of Tollway Group is the social and economic development of the country by increasing mobility and quality of life of its population. Group implements the projects in the Russian regions and municipalities based on the principles of public private partnership, while carrying out the full range of necessary works – from selecting a facility, conducting surveys and design to the organization of construction with the subsequent operation of the constructed facilities.

We are allways search professionals in our team

We work

based on the principles of public private partnership

We develop

regional road infrastructure

We consider

the promising projects throughout Russia

Structure of Tollway Group

The structure of Tollway Group includes the specialized companies that effectively provide a full cycle of activities

Tollway Ltd., being the Head Company, selects, works out the implementation terms and provides a comprehensive project management. Company controls and coordinates the functioning of the entire Group.

Our mission

We are convinced that the largest country in the world needs the best roads. Roads determine the pace of economic development, quality of people's life, safety and stability of the society. Efficient and comfortable transport infrastructure reduces distances, increases business activities of population, contributes to the growth of labor productivity and is crucial in accelerating the pace of economic growth of both certain regions and the whole country. Our goal is to bring a civilized approach to design, construction and operation of transport infrastructure facilities.

Our facilities are high-quality road infrastructure, comfortable speed, optimal route and absence of traffic jams.

The interests of the residents of cities and regions, in which we build our facilities, are our priority
Our principles
Our principles

Care for nature

Along with the contribution made by Tollway Group as an employer, a business partner and a taxpayer, the companies of the Group are actively involved in solving the priority tasks of development of the territories of its presence, taking part in the improvement of territories, construction and reconstruction of important infrastructure facilities. 

Tollway Group runs an environmentally responsible business that reduces the adverse impact on the environment by combining direct impact on motor transport as a source of pollution (by increasing speed of cars specific emissions are reduced) and traditional methods (for instance, planting of forest belts, construction of sound barriers). 

Due to consistent implementation of the environmental damage minimization policy, the transport infrastructure facilities, which are built and operated by the companies of Tollway Group, exceed the environmental safety standards established by the state.

We reduce the amount of harmful emissions by reducing the number of traffic jams