We create transport infrastructure

In Moscow Region
In Saint-Petersburg
Length of roads
Иконка 39 364,7 km
Density of road network
Иконка 0,88 km/km2
Area of the Region
Иконка 44 300 km2

Moscow Region is the largest transport hub of Russia.

However, the indicators of the length and density of the road network in the Region are 2-4 times less compared to the similar indicators in other European countries with a comparable territory and population model. For instance, the density of the road network in Switzerland is 1.73 km/sq km, in the Netherlands – 3.26 km/sq km, in Denmark – 1.68 km/sq km.

The street road network of many settlements of the Region is characterized by insufficient rates of development of road and bridge facilities that requires additional financing sources.


Length of roads
Иконка 3 412,1 km
Density of road network
Иконка 4 km/km2
Area of the city
Иконка 1 439 km2

Saint-Petersburg is one of the largest transport hubs in the country and a huge in terms of territory and population agglomeration, for its successful social and economic functioning a modern and high-tech transport system is required.

However, the density of metropolis street road network is quite low compared to other capitals and millionaire cities in the world. For instance, in London the density of the road network is 9.3 km/km2, in Tokyo – 10.6 km/km2, and in Paris – 15 km/km2. The most important step to create an effective transport system of St. Petersburg is construction of a new infrastructure that will take into account the features of the transport complex of the multimillion city.

Saint-Petersburg Tollway
Ltd is preparing to act as a private concession initiative with a proposal to create overpasses to replace the existing railway crossings in the Northern capital.


About us

Tollway Group is a group of companies, which activities are aimed at development of road infrastructure and improvement of the efficiency of the road industry in the cities and regions of Russia. The strategic objective of Tollway Group is the social and economic development of the country by increasing mobility and quality of life of its population. Group implements the projects in the Russian regions and municipalities based on the principles of public private partnership, while carrying out the full range of necessary works – from selecting a facility, conducting surveys and design to the organization of construction with the subsequent operation of the constructed facilities.

Structure of Tollway Group

The structure of Tollway Group includes the specialized companies that effectively provide a full cycle of activities

Tollway Ltd., being the Head Company, selects, works out the implementation terms and provides a comprehensive project management. Company controls and coordinates the functioning of the entire Group.